
Please make sure that you are fit enough to undertake the walk you intend to join. If you’re unsure of your fitness level, try a short and easy walk first: it’s much better to find a walk a little too slow and easy than to make yourself miserable and exhausted. Most Ramblers’ walks are off-road in rural areas. Please have suitable footwear and clothing for the walk you intend to join, and bring some food and drink, even if the walk includes a pub or café break. Leaders may refuse to accept participants who in their opinion are inadequately equipped or unfit. When in doubt, contact the organisers or the walk leader in advance. For your own and others’ safety please read and abide by any advice and guidelines issued by the organisers, and the instructions of the walk leader. Though walking is inherently one of the safest outdoor activities, no activity is completely without risk and it is your responsibility to behave sensibly and to minimize the potential for accidents.
Attendance on some walks needs to be booked in advance. For details (updated 06/03/22) see here.

Event Detail

Another Newent Amble  
Wednesday January 24, 2024 at 10:00 am 5.0 Miles Moderate Explorer OL14
Start Grid Ref: SO72212598
What3Words: blacken.glorified.perkily
Meet at: Newent, Broad Street/Court Lane, Car Park (GL18 1AR)
Route Type: Circular
Estimated Finish: 1:00 pm
Dogs Allowed: No
Come and try a ramble with the Forest of Dean Ramblers, meet us in the car park in the centre of Newent.
Drink and snack
Leader: Chris H
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